Past-Life Regression






Dear Reader,


Past Life regression often allows the participant to remove a dis-ease or disabling condition by seeing how the event or situation caused a similar condition in this life.  Basically, this is cause and effect; the past life produced the effect which carried over into this life.  That validates how most of us allow our past thoughts to influence our current life.  Basically those thoughts have become so ingrained that they can disrupt our physical, mental and emotional condition, so that we are unable to see the unlimited possibilities.  Put another way, we have “gone Newtonian” and not seen the unlimited possibilities of quantum creativity.  Once the block is identified, the participant now has the opportunity to balance mind,  thought and body to create a new possibility, that possibility being the removal of dis-ease.

What most motivational speakers preach or seek their audiences to do is based on cause-and-effect, old-style “Newtonian” thinking. They identify a problem and provide a list for the audience to change the habit.  Cure disorganization by making a list of priorities and start with the first priority and work downward.  The list is what the speaker did and what worked for the speaker.  However, the person in the audience who is working two jobs to put food on the table for the family grew up in a different set circumstances and the list, if followed, may produce more frustration than change.  This is why even the best of motivational speakers can only hope to better the lives of 10% of the audience.  For example, I can give you list after list; however, if you will not change your nutrition and stop the two doughnuts and three teaspoons of sugar in your coffee every morning, any change will be short-lived because I did not enable you to see the dis-ease in you that required a change to eliminate the old habit.  Using a diet plan or list or mantra may not work. Why?  Because the answer lies in re-wiring your brain to produce a new behavior or habit.  If the old habit or thought pattern was ingrained in a past life, then using past life regression can be a means to remove the dis-ease and re-wire your brain so as to produce a  way of thinking – which I call "quantum creativity".

You want to grow, change and see the unlimited possibilities to create a better, richer, healthier and more abundant life.  To remove the old habits, you must stop “going Newtonian” and to re-wire your brain so as to accept a new way of thinking to align your mind and body to an array of new possibilities – to think quantum creatively.  To create now the future we desire and stop living in the past.

Caveat:  If  you believe that past-life regression may help you,  be sure to consult a dedicated professional who has a track record of results in this area.  There are very few qualified persons in this area, just as there are many unqualified psychics, faith healers and self-appointed gurus.  Remember there is only one guru in your life and that's you: G (Gee) U (You) R (Are) U (You).



Remove your ego and judgment.  Can you unconditionally love the person you are regressing so much that you are willing to give them all the space they need to flourish, even if there will be no further connection with them? Even if you will never see them again in this lifetime and will not receive feedback or know whether they were helped or what you did made a difference..


You are a guest in their experience – they invited you to help.  It’s their life and you are there for them, not the other way around.  While you may believe you are guiding them, the fact is that they are guiding you, by allowing you to enter their magic kingdom of inner awareness for them to grow.  How you awaken their being to express the possibilities is your role on this journey.  Be aware of what you say and how you say it.


It’s about them, not about you 


Your energy and preparation before the client enters determines in part the potential degree of success.  Aside from removing ego and judgment, you must detach from everything else going on in your life/  You are like an Olympic athlete, a concert soloist or lead actor in a Broadway play before your audience.  It’s an audience of one or maybe a small group and they expect you to be at the top of your game.  They are paying you and granting you their valuable time so that they can grow and resolve whatever they are searching for that led them to you.


So, you must be well rested in body, mind and spirit, have eaten well so you have the energy and endurance required for the journey and have conditioned your outer body and inner consciousness for this journey.  You are the astronaut piloting the space vehicle with a very important passenger on board, who expects a safe return to earth.  The ride is only as good as your pre-flight preparation


They chose you.  You did not choose them.  You are the messenger in service from the Universe being asked to deliver a package that consists of methods and opportunities for growth, healing and understanding.  Once you have delivered, your job is finished.  You must move on and be unconcerned whether they acknowledge you or even thank you for what you have done.  No expectations.


Unconditional love comes from the soul, not the hormones, your ego or your wallet.

I have received intensive training from Michael Brown as well as Dr. Brian Weiss.  The following is the summary of one of my past life regression experiences.


After I talked with my spiritual teacher Amos, considered one of the top past life regressionists in the United States, I began to visualize a past life with Kathleen.  It started when I was driving to the supermarket to buy groceries.   At one point, I started feeling sad and experienced the feeling of connection with Kathleen.  I saw and remembered this feeling from a previous life.  The feeling was one of knowing when plans are changed because of circumstances over which neither of us had control.  I’m not sure of the date and place, but it was in a rural part of Europe, perhaps Norway or the countryside in Ireland.  Upon arriving home, I let the events and visualization flow.

Here’s what I wrote:   I was a young lad about eighteen years old, muscular strong, physically fit, in good health and had blond hair and blue eyes.  I had the physique like a body builder with broad muscular shoulders and was considered handsome.  Had it not been for the class circumstances I was in and the clothes I wore (basic white blouse and tan burlap typepants and my shoes were work type shoes fit for farming and dealing with cattle), I could have passed for the gentry and higher class men who wore the fancy suits and wigs in the capital city which was at least 100 miles from my home.  She was sixteen, had blond hair, blue eyes and had a smile on her face.  She lived close to our ranch and we had known each other since we were young children of about eight or nine.  After finishing my chores, I would go over and help her folks at their ranch, which was not in as good condition as ours, was smaller and her father, who had somewhat of health problem, needed the help.  I recall her mother, who had a dimple and was a little plump, always giving me some sustenance before I would leave in the afternoon, maybe a biscuit with butter and tea or a piece of fruit.  I would tell her this was not necessary for I did not want to be a burden on their limited resources, but it was a time when I could sit with her (Kathleen) at the table and unwind.  We were inseparable and talked about the future and shared our dreams.  Hers was to be able to live in a palace, have fine clothes and be a member of high society, like a princess, because that’s the way she looked.  We were in love and for the past two years had talked that when she grew up and I had saved enough, we would be betrothed and married in the local church.  Everyone in the countryside knew us and knew that we were meant for each other.  I was the backbone of my family and because of my father’s early death, was the man of the family and supported my mother and two sisters and a brother, so they could go to school and learn.  Their ages were 5, 7 and 10 (brother) and I wanted them to have a better life, get schooled and somehow manage to improve their status.  I don’t remember much about my mom, but she was a cheery person and would thank me for stepping up and encourage me that what I was doing would be in everyone’s best interest.  By my hard work and brawn, we were comfortable, not rich, and could share with others.  I recall I was an excellent horseman and seemed to know how to fatten the limited cattle we had, maybe 10 head or so, plus some dairy cows, so there was also fresh meat on occasion and milk.  My sisters and brother tended our vegetable garden as well as I, and for whatever reason, we always had an abundance.  See, I would talk to the vegetables and fruits thanking them for helping us out and telling them if they could just do a little better so we could share, as there were a lot others that were worse off than us.  My name might have been Thomas.  Often, after I would slaughter a steer for meat, I would see that Kathleen’s folksgot a portion (as I write this, I am tearing up).  See they didn’t have and since my mom had taught me to share and because of my feelings for Kathleen, I would make sure she always had nutrition.  We had talked about when she would become my wife and maybe we could build or merge our ranches and together, build an larger operation that could take care of our folks, have my sisters and brother go to school to make better lives for themselves and see that our parents would never want for the basics.  I don’t think I even had a proper Sunday suit, since my efforts were 7 days a week and often on Sunday, I’d get up early to let my mom sIp, do the chores and start the Sunday meal.  Though most men did not cookor do what was known as women’s work in those days,  because my dad had died young, when I was about 14, and my sisters were young, I had to learn to do all chores if something had happened to my mom.  Despite whatever hardships I had, Kathleen was the love of my life and I looked forward to the day we would be married.  She was the “colIn” of the county and others knew she was a prize catch.  Though there were other lads my age and older, we were friends and because of my reputation that I would stand by them in a pinch, they knew she was taken and so there were never any other boy friends in her life.  Maybe on one or two occasions, I had snuck a kiss, but when we did have time together, I recall we held each other and looked out over the grassy expense or took walks by the river, or sat and looked at the stars.  Kathleen had had some schooling and would share some of her books with me, for I had stopped mine to work with dad when I was about 10 as he needed the help and I already because of my height and looks, could pass for a 12 or 14 year old.

Then on day, my life turned upside down.  Our King and his men rode up to her Father’s farm house as I was about to go over to see Kathleen after my chores to help them with theirs.  There was a luxurious carriage and other carriages, soldiers and what looked like supply wagons, resplendent uniforms on his soldiers and other attendants. I’d never seen anything like this in my life.  With the King was his son, a dashing 20 year old, as vibrant and strong as I, in full military regalia, sword at the side.

They went into the house.  Kathleen was there with her mom.  I began to run toward their house, but was stopped by one of the guards who told me not to proceed further. I protested but to no avail and became upset, said that I had come to help Kathleen with her chores as I always did.  There were many more of them than I and because of my allegiance to the King and the fact that we had always paid our taxes and had a little bit higher standard to be able to help others in the community,  I stood my ground, aware that were I to offend, I could be detained and then how would the rest of my family get along.  To the guard, I requested to speak to someone, obviously it would not be the King.  He looked over to an adjoining wagon and asked for the Bishop to come forward.  Then this man in a dark suit and waistcoat with breeches, white stockings and black shoes with a large button on top, in his late 40’s or 50’s approached me and ask me to walk with him.  He was obviously the King’s chaplain or religious person.

He explained to me that the King wanted a bride for his son, someone attractive, pretty and pleasing, who could bear him children, as he was the next in line for the throne and that they had approached Kathleen’s father to provide a dowry.  Since our King was more benevolent his predecessors and there were problems on the horizon from some neighboring countries, there was need for unification and by his son marrying a commoner, one whose beauty was known and would be apparent, it would unify the Country and secure a better future for all.  But what about me and my feelings, I asked the good Bishop.  Is that fair because we had pledged ourselves and had followed the Anglican testament to not engage in intercourse until we had the blessing of the church in matrimony.  Does not God recognize me for the work I have done and the work I do for others?  He looked at me, winced and said, “Son, maybe this is God’s Will and by your remaining her chaste, you have so honored the King and your Country.  “Doesn’t she have a say, she’ll tell you who she wants to be with.”  To which he replied and I’d remember this till the day I died, “But you’re not one of us, maybe in spirit, but not in class or rank. Of course, you want her to have a good life and her parents and she will be well taken care of”.  “It’s not my choice and if you want to protest, ask Him”  “Remember your duty”  “You’ll find another lass”.  He looked at the soldiers who from a distance had their eyes gazed on us and at that instant, my heart broke and I could have broken down and sobbed, but didn’t.  I just stood frozen in my tracks.  A little later Kathleen emerged, she was dressed in the finery of the day and yes, she looked like a princess.  The Bishop was still by my side and I asked him if I could say goodbye, at least would the church not have mercy for this. He looked up and motioned to the officer of the Guard, then looked to the King and the Officer went and fetched my Kathleen.  “One minute” said the Bishop “and no funny business, the King and the Prince are watching” and left the two of us alone in full view of the regiment around us.  Here I was, a country boy of the earth, about to lose his life mate, now standing before me as a Princess.  She looked so radiant and beautiful, yet her smile was gone and there was a slight tear down her cheek.  We looked into each others eyes, waiting for the other to speak. Though I was knotted up inside, Kathleen was going to have her dream, except without me.  Inside I knew that how I would handle this moment would define the rest of my life.  I’d never cared much about pomp and circumstance and class distinctions and had a pride about me that enabled me to do the work I did and I was not going to let this King of his Son or the Bishop or any of those men rob me of my dignity.  Somehow asking for guidance, I bowed and said, “Aye Kathleen, your dream is about to come true, Your Princess.  May you be happy and have the best life with the kids you raise for the good of us all and the Country.  She looked at me straight in the eye, winked and smiled, that same smile we had enjoyed on many a late afternoon or early evening and said, “Tommy, remember, you’ll always be the gift.”  Then she turned and left.  The Prince looked bewildered.

I never saw her or her parents again. 

Others who would visit would the capital and see glimpses of her or might hear the latest gossip would tell me the stories and it looked to me that she had a good life and raised wonderful children.  Our kingdom prospered and we were not involved in any wars with our neighbors.

Me. Well I later married, my sisters grew up and went to London, married some decent men and my brother was able to go to school and somehow got a scholarship to attend the military academy where he earned a Commission as an Officer in the King’s Guard.  Though he had some contract, I could not bear to want to hear the stories, though as long as he would tell me Princess Kathleen was ok, that was all I could take.  Some 15 years later, I married a local lass, had a couple of kids, managed the ranch and in my 70’s with my children now carrying on in my tradition, died peacefully in my sIp.  I’d had a good life and but for that heart break of seeing Kathleen taken away from me by the so called rules of Royalty and Kings, kept my pride and dignity intact.  Kathleen always held a place in my heart and I never forgot her and times we had.  Sometimes life is unfair, but we all have a place and there are others to consider.  Never went much to church after Kathleen left, didn’t seem right if God had meant to bring us together, why his servants of God kept us apart and didn’t speak up.  And sometimes, we do suffer in silence, though we must learn not to let anyone take our conscience or soul away.  I don’t know how Kathleen felt or whether she changed, but I would have never taken back those years when we walked and played and planned together.  Perhaps it was meant to be, though I did not understand and was not very learned.  But maybe she got the learning and helped rule wisely when she did became Queen.

When I arrived in the soul place and had what they called a review, first thing I asked, was Kathleen ok and did she have a good life even if my mine had been just so-so.  The Master Guide put his shoulder around me and then bowed.  Tommy, he said, in his Irish brogue, “you done well”.  “Unconditional Love knows no bounds and none can place it asunder”  “Go see her down there,  to see what changes she has made.  You are still the gift.”  So in my non-physical form I went down and saw her, an old lady very refined, still elegant, with an ageless beauty.  And by her bedside, in a small artist’s portrait, was my picture, the young strapping 18 year old youth, broad shouldered, strong and confident.  She’d kept her word.  I was the gift.

Note:  What I learned from this self past life regression was that we had a life before as twin souls destined for each other broken up by the rules and mores of society.  Neither of us really had a choice because of the constraints of society. In that era, society treated marriage of the upper classes as a preservation tool and Kathleen had little choice.  The consequences of saying no to your country and King and the dream she had of having a better life for herself and her family might have been harsh on Tommy and herself because of the seeming power of others and their desire for control.  We do not have Kathleen’s version and the loss to both is something that would be played out in subsequent meetings.  How it relates to their meeting in this life time is significant.  I am the one now who does not have the option of being with her as married in a committed relationship to my soul mate. Yet upon their meeting, my broad protective shoulders, with the mentoring, assistance with funds and gifts for her career, the food I cook so she is nourished and being there for her when in that prior life before she left, is similar.  She could not have called for or helped him (perhaps she was prohibited as royals were in those days).  It also shows that I brought into this life my nurturing qualities for taking care of and being mindful of other’s feelings and emotions.  I would never consider leaving my soul mate as we have a wonderful relationship together.  Abandonment, such as Thomas experienced to some degree in the prior lifetime (not attempting to see Kathleen when she was a princess or Queen), is not a viable option, for all that would do would be to take the twin soul relationship back to a prior starting point.  Twin souls learn from each other.  Kathleen has her whole life in front of her; there is the huge age difference and I have the same feeling inside, that same feeling from that early period below.  In the prior life, he made no attempt to see her and perhaps gave up, knowing the risk was not worth the price for others who were dependent on him.  Sometimes unconditional love means learning to love while suffering in silence.  You may miss and have an obstacle, but that does not deter from what you feel inside.

When roles are reversed in a twin soul relationship, both twins can accomplish the growth and learning that was left behind from an earlier incarnation together.  They are moving toward re-unification and the conduct and behavior they exhibited before, may well produce a different result.  They talk frequently, have set boundaries on their physical interaction, are still drawn together despite the obstacles and are adjusting with love and compassion for the others in their lives.  I am concerned that a similar result may happen again – Kathleen may become wealthy, have opportunities, move away, raise a family and for other reasons, be limited in her interactions with me.  What she will do and when is her free will.  Again, they are having another chance at working out the obstacles placed in front of them.  To their advantage, they are working together on presentations and whether that will continue is up to the degree upon which each twin sees their role.  I know Kathleen does not yet buy into the concept of twin souls, though she believes he is part of her soul group.  I know and acknowledges I’ve received a gift from the Universe.  Kathleen, who has incorporated the knowledge of Think and Grow Rich into her conscious and unconscious psyche, has the opportunity to recognize, but with her youthful inexperience in this lifetime, will face challenges toward that understanding.  I admit that at Kathleen’s age, I was the most unenlightened person I knew, so how can I expect Kathleen to have the same knowledge and understanding at her age that I had some 40 years later.

In another vein, Kathleen has the incredible ability to manifest and bring forth.  The challenge is whether the ability to manifest becomes also an ability to manipulate.  Once you achieve a goal and it was easy and someone came forth to give you what you desired and you did not give back or produce a gift in return, are you really understanding the law of manifestation? That you have to give in order to receive and there is always a balance.  I can not continue to give 90% and Kathleen 10% nor vice-versa.  The Universe will continue to test this relationship because its interest is in producing the re-unification.  While the universe runs on timeless, nevertheless, lifetimes run on time and so the sooner there is a reunification in the lifetime sense, the better off the rest of the planet is.  The reunification produces and spawns another and brings the Universe a little closer in unconditional love.



Lee V. Bakunin, June 21, 2014.


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Lee V. Bakunin, Copyright July 2, 2017